Reiki as a Catalyst for Cancer Therapy

November 28, 2018 10:18 pm Published by

Did you know that there is scientific evidence that shows the mind and body are connected? Both are intertwined and  must be in a peaceful state when fighting cancer. Mind-body therapy is practice that helps restore the balance between the mind, body, and soul. Examples of this therapy system include:

  • Thai chi
  • Yoga
  • Pranic healing
  • Art therapy
  • Qigong
  • Meditation

Ongoing research has shown that mind-body therapy can improve quality of life for those with a life-limited illness, such as cancer. Over the past two-decades those in the medical profession have acknowledged this connection and how valuable it is to whole-person care.

With medical technology aside, the best defense that we have against cancer lies within the strength of our body and mind. Taking quality care of the body and mind is also just as important for those already with a cancer diagnosis.  

Reiki can also be effective at reducing anxiety and inducing relaxation and balance among patients who are in remission and have completed their cancer treatments. Over time I have learned that positive thoughts yield positive results. As a natural cancer therapy, reiki helps reduce stress and promotes positive thoughts centered around healing.

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